The Best Things to See And Do in Iran

Boroujerdi House is one of the breathtaking historical houses in Kashan
Boroujerdi House is one of the breathtaking historical houses in Kashan | © Diego Delso / Wikimedia Commons

Between the nature, history, and culture, there’s no shortage of wonderful places to explore in Iran. If you’re putting together an itinerary, you may have a hard time deciding just which places to include. Luckily, we’ve looked at the best of the best and compiled a list of our favorite things to do and see in Iran.

Qeshm Island

This island doesn’t tend to be on travelers’ itineraries, but there’s a world of things to see in dolphin-shaped Qeshm, the largest of the Persian Gulf islands. From Naz Island and Hara (mangrove) Forest, with their unpredictable high and low tides, to Chahkooh Pass and Valley of the Stars, which have an other-worldly feel, you can witness pristine, natural beauty. The beautiful port city of Bandar Laft is dotted with windcatchers, a shipyard, and a local style of dress that reflects a unique culture unlike the rest of Iran.
Qeshm Island

Valley of the Stars is one of the natural beauties of Qeshm

1. Historical houses and rooftops of Kashan

Ameriha historical house of Kashan | © Kamyar Adl / Flickr

2. Nasir ol-Molk Mosque


Light streams through the stained glass of Nasir ol-Molk mosque
© Julia Maudlin / Flickr
Nasir ol-Molk Mosque in Shiraz is by some accounts the most beautiful mosque in Iran. Nicknamed ‘The Pink Mosque’ due to its various hues of pink tiles, this mosque is best visited in the morning, when it is illuminated by the sunlight pouring in through the stained-glass windows, creating a kaleidoscope of colors on the Persian rugs — and on visitors. Becoming a part of and capturing this exquisite mosque on film is sure to be a highlight of your visit to Iran.

3. Lut Desert

The Lut Desert recorded the hottest temperatures for many years | © Diego Delso / Flickr
© Diego Delso / Flickr

The Lut Desert has recorded the hottest temperatures on earth for many years | © Diego Delso / Flickr

4. Persepolis


Ruins of Persepolis | © Julia Maudlin / Flickr
© Julia Maudlin / Flickr

Ruins of Persepolis | © Julia Maudlin / Flickr

5. Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System

The ancient irrigation system in Shushtar is a masterpiece | © Pontia Fallahi

6. Ali Sadr Water Cave

Paddle boats take visitors through the magnificent Ali Sadr Cave | © Nasser-sadeghi / Wikimedia Commons

7. Naqsh-e Jahan Square

Bazaar, Mosque

Ali Qapu Palace is one of the sites of the grand Naqsh-e Jahan Square
© David Stanley / Flickr

Ali Qapu Palace is one of the sites of the grand Naqsh-e Jahan Square | © David Stanley / Flickr | © David Stanley / Flickr

8. Tabriz Bazaar

Bazaar, Market

Tabriz Bazaar is a great place to see the modern-day rug industry
© Pontia Fallahi
This magnificent UNESCO-listed bazaar covers an area of about 7 sq km, and is arguably the most beautiful and well-kept in the country. Considered the largest covered bazaar in the world, the interconnected red brick buildings each offer something different, from gold and jewelry to spices and household appliances. Mozaffareih, the carpet section, is the most spectacular, in which narrow alleyways are stocked with sacks of naturally dyed thread, and bazaar keepers transport rugs and conduct business. Grab some tea from one of the kiosks and watch the action.

9. Yazd

Skyline view of Yazd | © Ninara / Flickr
© Ninara / Flickr

Skyline view of Yazd | © Ninara / Flickr

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